Kyra Fitzgerald, Admin Assistant

Kyra Fitzgerald may be fairly new to the BPAC and Oldcastle family, but she’s no stranger to the area or to theatre. She grew up just over the border, in Cambridge, NY, and has been a lover of music and theatre from a very young age. She can often be found singing and/or dancing along to the radio (or Spotify, or Pandora, or a playlist on iTunes, or even a CD!), playing piano, referencing musicals (and John Mulaney), and generally basking in the warm glow of hope that theatre will return soon so we can once again gather together and experience the magic of watching a story unfold before your eyes.  Also a music educator, Kyra has a passion for making music and theatre accessible to people of all ages and abilities. She was the Program Director at Hubbard Hall for over two years and was also very active in the productions there, working as a stage manager, actor, singer, and director, including directing the CCS Drama Club and conducting the Hubbard Hall Youth Chorale. In addition to her BPAC Admin duties, she teaches private voice and piano lessons (virtually for now).

Her non-music/theatre hobbies include writing, crafting, hanging out with her cat, doing puzzles, nerding out with friends about Disney and Marvel and Good Omens and Shakespeare and… well, you get the idea, and generally being creative and/or cozy.