Cory Wheat, Resident Sound and Video Designer

My first memory of a theatrical performance, even before a school-aged rendition of ‘The Grinch who Stole Christmas’ (I played, as I recall a non-speaking resident of Whoville), was attending a children’s matinee, in a small stone auditorium at SVC, of ‘The Wind In The Willows’ by performers of the Oldcastle Theatre Company.

A few years out of college with a degree in film audio, I found myself back in Bennington county, and looking for creative work just as Oldcastle was settling into our current location at 331 Main Street. I came onboard for the second show of the first season here, and have worked, in a range of positions, on shows every season since. Between designing soundscapes for the madcap hijinks of ’39 Steps,’ integrating projected images into the set design for ‘Proof,’ projecting several series of classic films, mixing audio for a range of live musical performances, and building the occasional set, about the only thing I haven’t done (and don’t plan to do) is appear on stage as an actor.

When not spending my time at the theatre, I tend to find myself reading stories (sometimes involving spaceships), because, as plenty of local theatre aficionados will agree, what it always comes down to is doing your part to tell the story, whatever ‘the story’ may be.